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  1. Sarah Dtuber says:

    The ideas for buttons are my favorite. I have LOTS of buttons and am always looking for more ideas on how to use them. Happy New Year !

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Glad you enjoyed the ideas, Sarah!

  2. God has blessed (cursed?) me with the ability to see possibilities in everyday things to make dollhouse accessories (1/12 scale, 1″=1 foot). I love buttons for dishes (flat ones) salad, mixing, vegetable, and popcorn bowls (especially domed metal or pearl), tiered tidbit trays (2 or 3 of the same design in different sizes), candy dishes (the old glass crystal ones), soap dishes (small ovals), picture/clock frames (flat ones with a rim), “Jello” (colored clear glass or plastic), ashtrays, fancy cakes, cakes, meringues, pet food bowls (with white paint for milk for kittens, painted sand for kibble), pretty jar lids for a bead, etc. It is a great way to add inexpensive accesories to your dollhouse; when homemade items are mixed in with the “storeboughts,” your eyes see the overall effect, not just components. A nurdle of white fabric paint for whipped cream with a dot of red for a cherry often covers the holes in the button. I have even clipped shanks off plastic buttons and glued earring backs onto them for lightweight earrings! Great for anyone with metal allergies! P. S.: I asked the man at the transfer station to be on the lookout for a crib mattress spring last week; Sat. he had a beautiful new one one for me. I want to use it in my booth to hang things on to maximize my space. Not like your vintage one, but still great!

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Love all your super creative dollhouse ideas, Kathy! Thanks for sharing:)

  3. Cindy@CountyRoad407 says:

    Can I just say – yes please?! Each idea was amazing. Which of course is no surprise. I have several colored buttons but don’t really “collect” them. Well seeing your jars it’s changed my mind. And that little Bingo heart is darling. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful ideas. Pinterest is going to go wild for them!

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Thanks, Cindy! There are so many amazing ideas on Pinterest…I can’t even;)

  4. Lora you have so many wonderful vintage buttons. I love separating them by color. The topiary and sunflower pillows are super cute!! You have something fun for for every season!

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      I definitely use them throughout the year, Debra; good to have all colors on hand!

  5. All of these ideas are wonderful – so much fun! I craft with my 4 year old niece and she will love these activities.

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      She will love just sorting and playing with the buttons!

  6. So fun!!! It’s like jars of candy but in button form. They are all so pretty in all of those fun colors. This did pique my interest…I might start having to keep an eye out when I’m thrifting now 🙂

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Definitely do, Rachel! They are like candy for crafty, vintage-loving souls:)

  7. Love your ideas so much, Lora! I wouldn’t have thought of half of them so I’m excited to pin them all so I can go back and try them too. I love the idea of separating the buttons into jars by color as well so you can see which color you need to look for at vintage and antique events. Organized crafting is right up my alley sweet friend. Thanks so much for the fabulous tips and ideas. Big hugs, CoCo

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      I’ve been organizing my craft room, CoCo, so I’m right there with ya! Fun to enjoy crafty displays in between using them.

  8. I absolutely love all of these. I have so many buttons, I could be busy from now on! I’m looking forward to using some these ideas. Thank you!

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Lucky you to have a collection already, Tess! Happy creating:)

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Thanks, Rachel!