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  1. Lora, the beautiful fruit and flower plates are treasure. They go so well with the colors and patterns of the table cloth. All your thrift finds provide a lovely setting for outdoor dining. The hutch is just a wonderful backdrop. Love the flowered Dahler tin.

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Thanks, Carol!

  2. Lora, I love all the Daher tins you have!! I have my mother’s old black candy box which was a Valentine’s gift from my father (I guess). It has a rosemaling look to it with flowers circling across it’s top. I’ll have to look and see if its a Daher! And your tea table out back… Lovely!!! (Great minds think alike, huh?) 😉 It’d be heavenly to sit out there with you. <3

    Happy summer and I hope it stays cool out your way!

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Thanks, Barb!

  3. Lora, what a vibrant and beautiful summer table! I love love those embossed dishes, I have some similar and they’re my favorites! The gingham napkins and that awesome painted shutter add charm and summer color, as do the beautiful flowers and veggies! I love how you carried the theme to your green hutch… just so much inspiration!!

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Thanks, Cindy:)

  4. What a beautiful place to dine outside. That hutch is amazing and I love how you’ve filled it with such lovely decor. The dining area is amazing too. Your dishes with the fruit are beautiful and what a lovely setting you’ve put together. I would love to be sitting there and enjoying your pretty table.

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Thanks, Marty!

  5. RACHEL HARPER says:

    Your vintage dishes and that cute painted shutter are just adorable. Love your festive table.

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Thanks, Rachel!

  6. Debra@CommonGround says:

    Such a refreshing summer dining spot! I adore all the vintage cottage pieces. so sweet and pretty. Your fresh floral display is the icing on the cake!

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Yes, I was thinking it turned out very cottage styled, Debra;) Thanks!

  7. Cindy@CountyRoad407 says:

    I can’t get over the amount of spaces you have to dine and the beautiful surroundings! Seems like every piece of your table was made for your porch and lawn. Between the glasses, the plates, the shutter, the dining hutch and all its treasures, I can’t decide what looks the best. Gaaaah, it’s all fantastic!

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      The more areas to eat with more dishes, the better, right? 😉 We do like to switch it up; guess I get bored easily:) Always fun to dine al fresco, if the weather (& bugs) cooperate!

  8. Another post worthy of a magazine spread Lora! Ahh…those colors and all those vintage floral motifs! You know I am loving it! I always use the red thumbprint dishes for Christmas, never thought about summer but I am inspired to use them in a colorful summer vignette now!
    I can’t even take that blue cupboard filled with all the floral tins. Resisting the urge to go junkin’ telling myself I am too tired and it’s too hot to go thrifting for tins today! Haha!

    You know your post is a success when fellow vintage lovers want rush out the door and hit the junkin’ trail!

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Definitely, Amber! Always happy to inspire others to shop for more vintage treasures:) Thanks!

  9. What a lovely table to sit down to and eat and the view of being outdoors would make you enjoy the food even more. Loved the centerpiece, table cloth, and dishes.

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Thanks, Marlene! Yes, this is our favorite spot to eat outdoors so we can enjoy the view of the yard:)

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      I’ve been honing my thrifting skills my whole life;) Thanks, Michelle!

  10. Leave it to you Lora to find all these great vintage treasures to put together such a happy table!!!

    Love the idea of the phone numbers on all the shutter louvers. Brilliant for next to a wall-mount phone — if they still existed.

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Yes, that shutter is just too cute; love it! Thanks, Diane:)

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Thanks, Rachel! Kind of nice to set a pretty table and not have to do any cooking;)