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  1. A beautiful wedding with so many sentimental lovely crafted items. You have given your daughter exactly what she wanted. I believe you have also inspired many others.
    Congratulations to the newlyweds ❤️

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Thanks for your sweet words, Rita:)

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Thanks, Rachel! Probably good we only have 1 girl;)

  2. Becky Swenson says:

    Thanks for sharing the process of how everything came together. It looks like a beautiful event!

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      Your welcome, Becky! Fun to be able to put our own twist on everything:)

  3. Shelly Torola says:

    Really enjoyed seeing all the background for your daughter’s very lovely wedding! It was smashing! All the fun details, pretty colors & uniqueness of it made it extra special. Totally my style! Thanks for sharing 😊

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      So glad you enjoyed it, Shelly! I tried to take pics all along, so we could remember all we did. Great memories:)

  4. Thank you for sharing! DIY weddings are the best! My daughter got married in early October and I spent the summer making hundreds of velvet pumpkins with real stems. It was a labor of love that was so much fun!

    1. Lora Bloomquist says:

      That sounds beautiful, Patti! Fall is a wonderful time for weddings:)