Decorating Status Quo Syndrome
status quo (noun): the existing state or condition
When you walk through your home, are there spaces or whole rooms that you’re not really seeing anymore? Or is there a piece of furniture or accessory item that’s been in it’s current condition so long, you can’t imagine it any other way? I’ve decided to create a whole new syndrome for this decorating dilemma! I’m going to call it “Decorating Status Quo Syndrome”
It’s human nature that we all get so used to our surroundings that we almost can’t see them with fresh eyes. We come and go, busy carrying the dirty laundry or vacuuming, or returning all the piles where they should be.
And we never give ourselves the time to really look at something in our homes and ask ourselves, “Do I really love this in it’s current state?” or “Is this space really functioning as well as it should, and is it pretty?”
We’re updating our bodies all the time, right? I just got my hair freshened up, had my toenails painted and shopped for some “out-in-the-real-world” clothes! I’m starting the year out prepared!
But what about our homes? The surroundings that need to comfort and inspire ourselves, our families and our guests on a daily basis?
Today (or this weekend if you’ve got more time) I want you to really have a good look around your home. Look with fresh eyes. Imagine a magazine editor is going to swing by for coffee (YIKES, I know!) And when you get over the “Boy, do I need to clean” thought, move on and ask yourself if you really LOVE your surroundings.
Is there a space that’s so highly used, like an entry, a hallway, a bathroom…a kitchen that you just keep using and have never thought about improving it, giving it a refresh? Could you do some type of update so you can absolutely love it every time you’re there?
Or how about a piece of furniture? Maybe it’s a family piece and you’ve looked at it for so many years of your life-including at your mom’s and your grandma’s-that you can’t even comprehend it any other way; you just know it’s. just. there.
Have you had your room arranged the same way for umpteen years because that’s where you put the furniture when you moved in and never thought about any other possibilities?
If you found yourself nodding or sighing when I asked any of these questions, I think you have a case of “Decorating Status Quo Syndrome”. Don’t worry, it’s only catchy to those in your household. And there is a cure.
The first step is always admitting you have a problem. A problem with that dresser, with that entryway, with that hallway, with your living room. Having higher expectations of your surroundings is where you begin. Then you go on an inspiration hunt!
Magazines, Pinterest, blogs…the inspiration is just waiting for you to find it! And you can usually find the how-to easily also!
My eyes and brain always have a list of projects I want to accomplish in my home, my furniture, even the furniture arrangement! But even I have to question myself sometimes and ask, “Why don’t I give that little desk that was my great-grandma’s a paint job and some new knobs?” It will still hold a special place in my heart even with a makeover! In fact, I will love it even more when it fits with my decorating style!
I hope this post gives you some gumption to take a good, hard look around your home. (And you enjoyed seeing some of the pics I haven’t shown before;) Ask yourself, what do you really love, and what have you just been looking through, because it’s just there? It’s a New Year; how about coming up with a new project list?
Let me know what you come up with!